Donate to ECF

Thank you for your support of the Edina Community Foundation! We welcome donations online using PayPal, by check, and by Venmo. Use the links below to donate to Edina Community Foundation's general fund or directly to a specific program. 

Donations are also accepted by check payable to the Edina Community Foundation. Our mailing address is 6750 France Avenue South, Suite 220, Edina MN 55435. Our Venmo account is @EdinaCommunityFoundation-Edina.

Thank you for supporting our work in the community.


Community Support

Donate to the Edina Community Foundation's General Fund/Community Support programming. We will direct it to the ECF program with the greatest need and the programs such as Meal with a Mentor and Edina Neighborhood Reads/Edina Reads Writing Contest which don’t have large budgets.


Edina 4th of July Parade

Donate directly to the Edina 4th of July Parade.


ECF Youth Scholarships

Donate directly to youth scholarships administered by the Edina Community Foundation

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Connecting With Kids

Donate directly to the Connecting with Kids Program of the Edina Community Foundation.